
Who, me?

So, I'm the one who never posts anything. I think about it a lot. Then I just get tired. Of course I don't go to bed. I surf. Then I think about it some more. Then I surf. Waste more time. Enjoy the quiet after everyone's asleep. I always think I have too much to say about nothing special and that I won't get it all said, so why even try? I guess I'll just take a stab at it then...

This coming weekend is going to be busy and FUN. Brett's got continuing ed in Des Moines. It's my girls' weekend. Aaron comes home from Nicaragua on Saturday night. Julie & Nicole leave for Hawaii on Sunday at 1am. Mom and Dad are staying the entire weekend and watching the babies. I think they have no idea what they are in for, other than they get to show them off Sunday morning. Little do they know. (Insert evil laugh)

We had a very traditional Chinese buffet Easter dinner today at the Metro Buffet. They even tried to make it Easter-ish: there was ham and fried potatoes on the buffet, next to the lo mein & crab legs. Mom called around yesterday to find a place that would be open. I thought earlier in the week about possibly making dinner but then I got the sinus thing and heck, I didn't really want to do it anyway. Everyone came over afterward though so that was nice. David spent some quality time with Grandpa Louis. Mom came through on the peanut butter eggs - I told her yesterday that the babies really liked those A LOT. Good babies. Such great taste. Excuse me, I think I have a little peanut butter here on my cheek.

Mom wants me to write down everything for them this coming weekend. How do I tell her we don't really have a routine? Maybe if I try to write things down this week I'll discover that maybe we kind of do. It's just not by a clock. It's more like what's next, after this? And oh yeah, we should do that too. And hey, they're kind of stinky. Have they had a bath in recent memory?

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